Let explore the article “confirm change event on confirmation for a dropdown“.To prevent a select box from changing without user confirmation, the system displays a JavaScript confirmation message before altering the dropdown. In this scenario, before modifying the selected option,
magento auto selected credit card type
Now I thought if user will enter credit card number and then depending upon the card number related credit card logo will appear I mean credit card type will auto selected at that time.Then this is decrease one step for
create dynamic drop-down list
How to create dynamic drop-down list in javascript depending on each other.Lets see below simple example which has shown two drop down list .One is depending upon the other like second dropdown values will be depend upon the first one.Means
Add remove more field dynamically
Are you looking for adding more field dynamically in you form element ? if yes then see below description which describe to Add remove more field dynamically in JavaScript. So I have posted this post with simple JavaScript because it
where clause in magento
In general MySQL uses where clause to extract only those record which fulfill a specific criteria.In same way we can use where clause in magento to filter our data for certain criteria for collection of data.For that magento uses the
how to change a dropdown box value in jquery
Here I am going to show you some example with explanation that how to change a dropdown box value in jquery. Suppose I have html element having select dropdown and I want to change the dropdown selected value on some