This tutorial is going to show you how to get all categories and sub categories in magento.In This script I have shown all subcategories on the basis of main category means Root Catalog’s Id.
If you change the $id = 1 then it will display suabcategory upto the first level that looks like below.

first level categories
first level categories


If you change the $id = 3 then it will display suabcategory upto the second level that looks like below.

all second level categories
all second level categories

So lets starts the coding part :

    define('MAGENTO', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
    require_once MAGENTO . '/app/Mage.php';
    $storename = 'default';
    $exporter = new XmlCreateCategoryTree();
    class XmlCreateCategoryTree
        function __construct()
            ini_set('max_execution_time', 14400);
        public function createCategoryTree()
            $id = 3;
            $categories = $this->getCategories($id);
            if($categories[0]['name'] != ''){
                foreach($categories as $category){
                    echo $category['name']."\n";
                    $sub_categories = $this->getCategories($category['id']);
                    if($sub_categories[0]['name'] != ''){
                        foreach($sub_categories as $sub_category){
                            echo '---'.$sub_category['name']."\n";
                            $sub_sub_categories = $this->getCategories($sub_category['id']);
                            if($sub_sub_categories[0]['name'] != ''){
                                foreach($sub_sub_categories as $sub_sub_category){
                                    echo "--- ---".$sub_sub_category['name']."\n";
        private function getCategories($id){
            $children = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories($id);
            $cat = array();
            foreach ($children as $category){
                $cat['name'] = $category->getName();
                $cat['id'] = $category->getId();
                $allCat[] = $cat;
            return $allCat;

Or You can get the categories tree by another method means by collecting all ids from catalog model.

    $_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category');
    $treeModel = $category->getTreeModel();
    $allIds = $treeModel->getCollection()->getAllIds();
    $_categories = array();
    if ($allIds)
        foreach ($allIds as $id)
            $_categories[$id]['name'] = $category->getName();
            $_categories[$id]['path'] = $category->getPath();
        foreach ($allIds as $Id)
            $path = explode('/', $_categories[$Id]['path']);
            $string = '';
            foreach ($path as $pathId)
                $string.= $_categories[$pathId]['name'] . ' >';
            $_string.= ';' . $Id ."\n";
            echo $_string;

How to get all categories and sub categories in Magento
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