I have created a new table called ‘student’ in the Magento database. This table includes fields like student_id, name, age, address, and status. The goal is to perform MySQL operations on this table through a module called ‘Jrb_CrudOperation,’ covering INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT operations. I will try to explain How to insert select update and delete data in magento2 one by one.

How to insert select update and delete data in magento2
How to insert select update and delete data in magento2


To insert data, I gather values for title, content, and status, storing them in an array named ‘data.’ Utilizing the Magento structure, I set these values into my ‘student’ model and execute the save() method to perform the MySQL insert operation. Below code is just a simple insert operation with simple model which is not a optimized way. for better optimized way inserting multiple record please follow the article Insert Multiple Records into Magento 2 Database Tables

$data = array(
        "name" => 'Jhon Boss',
        "age" => "14",
        "address" => "Niali, Cuttack",
        "status" => 0
        "name" => 'Ryan Biswal',
        "age" => "15",
        "address" => "Niali, Cuttack",
        "status" => 1
        "name" => 'Raj Nayak',
        "age" => "14",
        "address" => "Firozabad, Delhi",
        "status" => 0
        "name" => 'Jack Aryan',
        "age" => "16",
        "address" => "Parel, Mumbai",
        "status" => 1

    foreach($data as $_data){
        $studentModel = $this->studentFactory->create();
        $saveData = $studentModel->save();
            echo $saveData->getId().' inserted successfully !'.PHP_EOL;
} catch (\Exception $e){


For select operations, I use the getCollection() method to obtain a collection object. Iterating through a foreach loop allows retrieval of all data, and specific data can be accessed using methods like getName(), getAddress(), getStatus(), or getStudentId() etc..

$student = $this->studentFactory->create();
$studentCollection = $student->getCollection();
foreach($studentCollection as $_studentCollection){


To update data, I fetch the id from the request, update values in the ‘data’ array, load the model, and call the save() method. Alternatively, for a single data update, I directly load the model, modify the data, and save it.

$id = 21;
$data = array(
    "name" => 'Jhon Boss',
    "age" => "17",
    "address" => "Saltlake, Kolkata",
    "status" => 1

$student = $this->studentFactory->create();
$studentModel = $student->load($id);


For deletion, I retrieve the id from the request and use the delete() method on the ‘student’ model.

$id = 21;
$student = $this->studentFactory->create();

Complete code will be like below.

 * Copyright © www.jyotiranjan.in All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

namespace Jrb\CrudOperation\Model;

use Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel;

class StudentScript extends AbstractModel
     * studentFactory
     * @var \Jrb\CrudOperation\Model\StudentFactory
    protected $studentFactory;

     * Constructor
     * @param \Jrb\CrudOperation\Model\StudentFactory $studentFactory
    public function __construct(
        \Jrb\CrudOperation\Model\StudentFactory $studentFactory
        $this->studentFactory = $studentFactory;

     * Execute the custom script
     * @return void
    public function execute()
        // inser query for inserting single/multiple data
        $data = array(
                "name" => 'Jhon Boss',
                "age" => "14",
                "address" => "Niali, Cuttack",
                "status" => 0
                "name" => 'Ryan Biswal',
                "age" => "15",
                "address" => "Niali, Cuttack",
                "status" => 1
                "name" => 'Raj Nayak',
                "age" => "14",
                "address" => "Firozabad, Delhi",
                "status" => 0
                "name" => 'Jack Aryan',
                "age" => "16",
                "address" => "Parel, Mumbai",
                "status" => 1

        //selct query for getting collection

        $id = 21;
        $data = array(
            "name" => 'Jhon Boss',
            "age" => "17",
            "address" => "Saltlake, Kolkata",
            "status" => 1
        $this->updateDummyData($id, $data);

        $id = 22;

    public function insertDummyData($data){
            foreach($data as $_data){
                $studentModel = $this->studentFactory->create();
                $saveData = $studentModel->save();
                    echo $saveData->getId().' inserted successfully !'.PHP_EOL;
        } catch (\Exception $e){

    public function selectDummyData(){
        $student = $this->studentFactory->create();
        $studentCollection = $student->getCollection();
        foreach($studentCollection as $_studentCollection){

    public function updateDummyData($id, $data){
        $student = $this->studentFactory->create();
        $studentModel = $student->load($id);

    public function deleteDummyData($id){
        $student = $this->studentFactory->create();

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How to insert select update and delete data in magento2
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